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Trophy WIFE Mentality

The most incredible membership to help you get started on your Inner Femininity Journey so you can become the once-in-a-lifetime woman who gets what she wants.

This membership was created with ladies like you in mind.


The goal of this community is to help wives and women in relationships learn how to embrace their femininity in their lives. We focus on feminine self-growth to help in all areas of your life - career, business, family, motherhood, and spirituality.


 This isn't about men. Your femininity is first for you. Everything else will line up.

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  • Femininity Chats to help you switch up and become a feminine wife who gets what she wants.

  • Inner femininity journey towards having a deeper relationship with self so you can uplevel in love and life

  • PLUS 

    • Monthly Feminine Strategy Challenges

    • Weekly Livestreams on Select Topics like

      • Practical Everyday Femininity

      • Your Personal Brand of Beauty

      • How to Elevate your Circle

      • High-Value Lifestyle

      • How to Win Like  Goal Digger

    • and so much more..........

Enrol today and get access to premium content for only KES 3,999/-.

What's included?

  • A monthly actionable femininity strategy Trophy Wife lessons.

  • Live Weekly  streams inside a Private Facebook Group

  • Exclusive content

  • Trophy Wife Chats

  • Weekly accountability in our good-vibes-only discussion group to share your wins.

  • A monthly Zoom Community call

Free Bonus: A 30-minute relationship energy audit for selected members.

Membership subscription

I discovered Ms. Linda's page on Instagram as I was looking for answers as to why my relationship had ended and I found myself watching the videos with my jaw on the floor. My perspective on things has shifted immensely!

A win for me was learning how to stabilize my emotions as well as how to communicate in a clear way.

Clearly, I’ve been missing out on this ‘queen treatment’. This shift has been so memorable! I’ve been attracting so many high-value men lately, I wonder why I was getting in my own before. Life is so sweet!

How does the membership plan work?

  • Picture this - You wake up First Day of the Month with your Femininity Plan in the portal.

  • You open the portal and see a plan with a video training on the feminine strategy you should take each day to do your inner femininity growth work.

  • You'll be around a fun and positive community of women elevating themselves as you upgrade from a basic to an epically happy relationship

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