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Writer's pictureLinda Muchelule

Stalled personal project goals? 4 Reasons why you've lost momentum.

Updated: Aug 21, 2020

So you've lost momentum.

With 5 months remaining until the end of the year, you decided to take time to reflect on how you're fairing on.

Granted this has been a year unlike no other. The plans that you had at the beginning of the year were quickly replaced with more immediate needs.

However many are still finding opportunities to pivot into life-changing paths at this very same time.

If you're like me, then I'm certain that you'd rather look at the possibilities that come with any given scenario.

This outlook not only gives me something to look forward to but also showers me with psychological sunshine.

So if you're one of those who decided to throw away all the personal plans that you'd excitedly written down, here are some of the possible reasons why.

#1. Imposter syndrome

When you don't believe you have what it takes to do something, any first sign of an obstacle will cause you to dump everything in the bin.

The opportunity you anxiously waited for came, you did your epic business plan and you knew without a shadow of a doubt this was going to be it for you.

But once the pandemic hit, you rode the wave and looked at it as an excuse to kick back and relax.

6 months later, the masks and sanitisers are our new normal, the idea is still on paper but you've never taken action since you wrote them down.

Trust me I know what it means to have a whole notebook of untouched ideas.

Until you realise that not taking action has nothing to do with the quality of your ideas, but with your mindset, you'll continue to go round in circles trying to figure out what your unique gifts and talents are.

#2.Comparison syndrome

Comparison is the thief of joy-Theodore Roosevelt

Women are guilty of getting caught up in the comparison trap.

That's because we've been raised to be agreeable in nature, causing us to look up to other people to validate us.

You probably to launch a blog about something that excites you and once you lay down the plans you immediately start thinking " What will X think about me", Will they find me phoney? You check out the competition and bail even before you give yourself a shot in the game.

It's fine to look to other people to inspire you into action but don't compare their journey to yours. You have no idea the, swear, tears, sleepless nights and sacrifice that the other person took to get to where they are now.

#3.No personal connection to your project

If we're honest with ourselves, we jump to the next big thing because it's the hottest thing at the moment.

From quail eggs to snake oil, to dropshipping, you've tried it all.

The reason, why none of the projects has stuck, is because you have no personal story linked to your idea.

When there's no connection, you'll do things because of quick wins mostly monetary but no deep purpose. That makes it easy to jump ship and not even fully apply yourself at any time.

#4.Scared of failure

Truth be told we all hate failure. However, this is a natural part of the growth process. You can't achieve anything without going through your fair share of ups and downs.

I went for countless interviews and at some point, I almost gave up.

Let's be honest no one likes to be rejected. Putting up with it over and over again is a big blow to one's ego.

Next time you think of stalling on an idea that could change someone's life, think about how you would feel watching the next person with much lesser qualifications pick up a concept similar to yours and run away with it due to lack of confidence in yourself.

What of these reasons do you resonate with?

I'd love to know.

Linda O. Muchelule-Masya.

I am a Marketing professional who's passionate about personal branding.

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