I was enjoying my lunch break when I got a call from an old friend.
It had been a while since we caught up, so the banter was flowing.
Caught in the moment, I excitedly told him " By the way, I wrote a book', he was like, what? How?
We went on for a bit and he told me that I should read this book called Turning Pro.
Right after I got off the phone, I skipped over to Amazon to check the title out.
I noticed that the author had written many books, however, one caught my eye " Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t". It's been 2 months, and I've only mustered the courage to read it.
That's because deep down I wondered if he was trying to tell me something like no one really cares about what you have to say but in a treasure hunt sort of way.
Thing is expressing yourself is uncomfortable. What makes it, even more, difficult is putting yourself out there for everyone to pass judgement.
What makes it easier though is, your personal Voice. This is your unique view, your writing & speaking personality.
It's created through your use of language, phrasing, tone, mood, and feelings.
When It Comes to Your Personal Brand, your voice matters as much as what you say using It. This is what will make others listen to you.
These 4 tips will help you discover your personal voice, giving you the confidence to share what's close to your heart.
#1. Your point of view.
One way to add to your voice is by sharing your perspective.
When you give your opinion on a certain topic, that is your voice. It can be a controversial, academic or a shallow one, ultimately it's you being you.
Next time you're in a meeting, in a conversation or sharing a social post, shine bright and make your views known.
#2. Your Personality
Are you bubbly, introverted, assertive, laid back?
Whatever our personality is like, it'll bleed into the way you bring things up.
Your personality is authentic to you that's why two people can have the same script and deliver it in two different ways.
Yes, you can develop your personality to be a certain way but still, there are things that are ingrained in your DNA.
#3. Your experiences
If you've struggled with something and overcome it, you can credibly speak on it.
Our experiences are a great teacher in the sense that you can speak to others about it in a relatable way.
Your personal struggles make your personal voice endearing and human.
At the end of the day, you are your own person, you go through life in your own way.
Whatever you decide to share with the world has your unique spin one it.
Yes, I agree there's information overload in the world today, more than ever before but that should not discourage you from stepping out.
Someone needs to hear what you have to say, someone will even buy from you because they feel they connect with you on a deeper level.
What I know is everyone has their authentic voice and has something to offer in this world.
So have the courage and step up.
What' stopping you from sharing with the world?
Linda O. Muchelule-Masya.
I am a Marketing professional who's passionate about personal branding.