Today is a special day. Happy Fathers'day to all the responsible men doing everything within their power to be present for their children.
For a man to be a great father, he first needs to be a great man. This requires a level of maturity and self-awareness on his part so he can rise up to be self-assured and cater to his family.
This may or may not be within the confines of a marriage or relationship. As we all know, relationships ebb and flow due to various reasons.
That being said, a man can be a great father without being a great husband or boyfriend, that's a topic for a different blog post altogether.
Regardless of the situation, if your husband, baby daddy or boyfriend provides for this kids, is present for them whenever he's supposed to, pays attention, is reliable and is committed to bringing then up, then he's a great man.
If you fall in line with the rest who keep saying that, "they're no good men, all men are nasty, and all that, watch how quickly that becomes the reality. You'll have no one to blame but yourself.
I meet all kinds of guys on the daily but more great than loser types of men.
On the bright side, once you get to understand men, they're truly good people. Majority of them are out there knocking down walls and building empires so they can establish legacies to pass on to their children.
The feminine woman would rather coexist with gentlemen and lead harmonious lives together. In appreciation to the great men, I'll highlight 6 masculine qualities that we as women truly love.
1. Their Simple Nature
"If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends".Orson Welles
I read this quote, from Morgan Wonderly, I'll be reviewing her book Simply Feminine soon. It made me chuckle so I included it.
By nature, men are easygoing and basic beings.
Their ability to streamline their lives is what makes it easy for them to have the freedom to chase their goals.
Think about it, men have fewer clothes, usually blue, black and brown. They have fewer hairstyle options, if it's not a clean shave, its a fade or dreadlocked. They also speak much less, something that drives us, women nuts.
In comparison, women have endless options when it comes to dressing, hair and overall grooming. We speak volumes, usually more than we listen and have a wide array of emotions. The simplicity of a man is what them easy to please once you get to understand them.
2. The Provider role
We just love a provider man. This is the type of man who walks the talk. He has clear goals and ambitions which he actively goes after, and most importantly he manifests his potential. This means a woman with a provider man is able to enjoy the fruits of his labour.
A great man is able to cater for his family, giving them a comfortable and well off lifestyle. We adore the fact that a provider male takes great joy in giving a woman what she most requires in a man, security for her family.
3.Decision-Making Ability
Men are rational and linear thinkers. This is one quality that makes us women feel as they're being cold or unemotional. This isn't the case. Men are wired very differently from us. Their ability to think rationally, about issues is what makes them reach decisions easily. Men take emotions out of issues and make judgement based on facts. A man will quickly decide the turn to take while driving, make conclusions on what they need, where to go because they rely on logic.
3. Problem-solving Skills
I remember the Popular TV Series "Scandal". I'm not sure whether it was a hit because of Olivia Pope's affair with the President or the fact that she made wine look so delicious as she drunk every evening in those gorgeous wine glasses or because she always had solutions for every problem that came up in the Oval Office, a very masculine trait by the way.
By nature, men are the problem solvers. The love to dissect, analyse and turn things inside out just to get to the root of the issue. That's why swiss knives, the toolboxes belong to them.
It so delightful calling up a man to help sort out a faulty bulb, only to find he's dismantled the whole socket and now he's trying to piece it back together.
A man will do anything and everything to protect the people he loves especially his family.
By nature, they are wired to protect women and their children. This is just how they are.
That's why many women play on their emotions when they call on them to bail them out.
The typical reaction is for the man to put on his cape, and come rescue a damsel in distress. Of course, as a woman, you also need to know how to ask for his help.
Gentlemen are very much alive. Yes, those who still open doors, pull chairs, help with bags.
Granted, romance doesn't come naturally to men. A woman also needs to ignite that feeling in him by being a feminine soul who's worthy of his love.
The same way we guard our bodies is how they guard their hearts making them slow to love.
A man can truly lovely deeply. Once he's emotionally hooked to a woman, she'll evoke all the romantic feelings in him. This is what makes women swoon with joy because one of the things a feminine woman cherishes, is her prince charming, a romantic man.
Let's celebrate the great men who are also amazing fathers. The feminine tribe love you.
Special shout out to a platform for young Fathers @DADingDifferent
(Space for Young Dads to exchange notes, share their experiences and support each other on their Dad’ing journeys)
Follow me on @afrofemininemuse
Linda O.