I have been working with corporate brands for 10 years now. and when it comes to brand marketing for organizations it's different from Personal branding because, one you are developing a corporate identity unless of course, you are the founder of the organization and the other is our personal brand identity.
Personal branding requires just as much groundwork even before you start communicating what you stand for.
Think of it this way would you build a house without a clue on how you envision your end design?
Would you start a career or a business without having an ultimate destination?
Same goes for personal branding. Having clarity from the word go is important because it establishes a foundation for which you are going to build all your work.
So below are 3 easy questions which will help you to get started
#1. What do you want?
Yes, as simple as it sounds, this is a fundamental question. What is your vision for your life? You are heading somewhere in life. Question is are you headed in the direction that you had in mind?
Having a vision means that you know what you want out of your life.
You may not have the action steps yet however having that grand ideal will help you be intentional with our daily, weekly, monthly choices. That's because you'll start to align those decisions with what you want out of your life.
#2. What is your purpose?
Your purpose is what makes you wake up every morning, your true calling or passion. It's what you feel called to do.
This is a powerful source of intrinsic motivation.
Having a purpose is more than just a hobby because its something that will benefit those around you and hopefully make the world better.
A clear purpose helps you establishing the right stepping stone for you to build a brand upon.
You can still have a purpose and pursue your corporate job because both of these adds up to what makes up you as a brand.
#3. Who's your tribe?
Your tribe are the people you are called to serve. These are the people who resonate with you as a person, your values, beliefs and your story.
Through them you help to solve a need, therefore, contributing to a better society.
Your tribe helps you establish the services & products you need to create because you recognise that they have a certain pain point which your brand will provide a solution.
What I know with certainty is that people who make great progress and manage to build incredibly successful brands and businesses all do one thing: they know exactly what they’re trying to achieve.
If you don't know where you are going, you'll definitely end up someplace, so why don't you make your journey intentional?
Success doesn't happen by chance, you have to decide what you want, write it down and then take action to bring your plans to life.
Linda O.